Upcoming Books
So let's talk books.
The Stardock Trilogy
United Fleet, the second volume of The Stardock Trilogy, was just published on Sunday night and went live yesterday. I'm starting work on the final planned volume, A Line in the Stars. (I neither promise, nor rule out, follow-on books at this time.)
You might have noticed that Bearing Gifts only took us up to the first two months after the arrival of the Chrrt'ktk't in Sol system (and in fact, almost all of its events happened in the three weeks after they left.) A lot happened in those three weeks. You might also have noticed that United Fleet takes us to roughly the two-year mark.
There's a lot going to be happening in A Line in the Stars. But all I'll say about that for now is to quote an axiom of military planning: "No battle plan survives first contact with the enemy." And this can be bad ... OR good.
I'll also venture to mention that we have already established that the Crickets are, shall we say, unreliable witnesses...
What Comes Next?
After The Stardock Trilogy is complete, my current plan is to work on finishing Because It Tells Me To, a near-future sort-of-political thriller with SF elements. That's all I'm going to say about it for the time being. I also have other projects queued that need more work to develop a direction for them to go, and a few unfinished past projects. So we'll see...